February 16, 2007

I am from...

If you need a beautiful read, check this out from SusieJ. This is her entry in the I Am From...contest...


Anonymous said...

I was looking for a clean, refreshing web site as a counterpoint to my own kitchen mess -- and yours was it. Beautiful pictures. What is culinoscarpies? Thanks for reading my entry -- those days...

Nicola Pulling said...

Why thanks so much.

Culinoscarpies...was my pathetic attempt at combining the Oscars with the Culinary arts and then realising the two sound an awful lot like a colonscopy...there's a link on the main page of foodnut - it's a contest to write an acceptance speech thanking the food you're most grateful for...and if you like the person who introduced it to you.

I'll be back to your site for sure...Good luck with the I am From contest...I hope you win...

Anonymous said...

Beautifully written. Thanks for the link.